Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Baby mine.

Wow! What a crazy last 2 weeks I've had. Today the baby is two weeks old and the time has really flown by! It feels like just yesterday my mom, husband, and I were pulling up to the hospital at 5 am to check in for my c-section and now my baby is home with me and getting bigger by the day. Everything went well, my c-section is healing nicely, and we are getting into a routine with the baby at home. It still is a bit surreal that I'm a mom! So when I was weighed in at the hospital for the pre-admission, I weighed 246 pounds.... BUT I was wearing boots, a teeshirt, a sweater over that, and jeans. I weighed myself at home after that with just some light clothing like yoga pants and a tee and I weighed 241 at home, so I'm considering that my starting baby weight. As of last night I now weigh 226. I believe immediately after having the baby I lost something like 12 or 13 pounds. My mom kept telling me I would lose 20 pounds immediately, lol, which of course I didn't do. So my grand total weight loss so far (and I haven't been really watching what I eat) is 16 pounds.

I'll be honest with you as well, after the baby was born my mom stayed with us for another week and a half and we were eating whatever she cooked. Now, she wasn't making unhealthy food, but I was probably eating bigger portions than normal and we also ordered out for food and occasionally had a dessert here or there. This week I am home with my husband (who has the week off of work) and we are also doing a bit more cooking at home than usual. I'm still trying to get in a groove as far as eating goes but it's just taking longer than I expected, there is so much to do in a day with the baby and I'm still getting into the swing of everything.. diapers, changing, feedings, naps, etc., etc.! I figure by the first or second week when I am home alone with just the baby and I my food routine will start to fall into place.

So unfortunately I can't report on any weight loss, raw or vegan food recipes, or anything else health right now like working out ... all I can report is that my wonderful husband and I are now the proud parents of a beautiful baby boy and we couldn't be happier!