Monday, March 28, 2011

When did spring get here?

In the hustle of all the new baby stuff, somewhere along the way spring has arrived... although you might not know it with the 20 and 30 degree temperatures we've been having lately. So here it is, almost April, and I haven't blogged since February 1st! Life has been busy to say the least.. what with the new baby and we are also in the middle of a move to a new apartment (and possible some other move related stuff in the future, but I won't talk about that now so as not to jinx anything). I currently weigh 20 pounds MORE than what I did when I started out with my pregnancy and I haven't been able to get to the gym even once since having baby B. My husband comes home from work, cooks dinner, then there is usually some laundry to do (since I can't do it during the day when I'm home alone) or I grab a shower at night and before we know it, the evening is gone and it's time for bed. Pshew. I knew having kids was work but I guess I never realized exactly HOW much work. When I was younger I used to work with children from ages 3-6 and so I guess I thought that a newborn would be no problem for me.. lol. Honestly, there were days in the beginning when I thought "what have I gotten myself into?". Well, good news is my parents are coming to visit and stay with my husband and myself for quite a while... around 7 months actually... which I'm so excited about. You see, they live in Texas and we are in New York... and of course being first time grand parents, they want to be around their grandson as much as possible. They were going to come up for the summer anyway and rent an apartment but we figured why not let them move in with us, we can split the price, they get to be close to their grandson 24/7 and we get some much needed help! Everyone wins! Now abuelo and abuela (grandpa and grandma in spanish) can watch baby in the evenings while husband and I go to the gym! Someone can watch baby while I do laundry during the day... more hands for cooking, feedings, changings, and just all around baby helping! I'm so excited! At first I felt bad.. like, maybe I'm not a good mom if I can't handle my own son on my own.. but I realized this: I CAN handle my son on my own... but it's just NICE to have extra help so I can handle MYSELF too... so I can get some self care in like having time to work out or time to get my haircut (I haven't had a hair cut in at least 6 months, if not longer!), etc...etc. Cause not only do I need to take care of baby.. but to be a good, healthy, happy mama.. I've got to take care of myself! So I would tell any soon to be mom out there this word of wisdom: DO NOT FEEL BAD FOR GETTING HELP WHEN YOU CAN! As a side note: I'm also going to start trying to eat healthier (raw) when my parents get here. I've pretty much been at the mercy of eating whatever my husband cooks for dinner and eating whatever I could grab quickly during the day.... it's hard to cook and prepare food with a baby on your hip or crying. I'm so excited to get back on the healthy track! Look for updates to be coming more frequently!! yay!