Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year!!

Happy New Year everyone.. I'm surprisingly really excited about the upcoming year. Usually New Years is just another day for me but this year I've got the baby boy coming and a healthy new outlook on life.. all is good.

So I mostly wanted to post about two things in pregnancy that no one ever told me about. I did the usual reading of pregnancy books, talking to friends and family, looking at websites, etc, but I don't remember reading anywhere about the following two issues:

1. Inner thigh/groin pain. I heard that your hips widen, your joints loosen, and your body just generally "opens up" as you get closer to giving birth.. but no one mentioned that this means pain in your inner thighs and groin area. It's not really "pain" to me actually, more like the feeling of when you pull a muscle and I only feel it when I get out of bed, off the couch, move too fast, etc. I think I started feeling this around the middle of my pregnancy... maybe at 20-22 weeks? I called one of my best girlfriends (who has a 1-1/2 month old as I type this) and she said she experienced this as well so that made me feel a bit better. And number two......

2. "numb" arm feeling. Probably around 31-32 weeks I started to notice that my left arm felt "numb" or asleep.. sort of like that pins and needles feeling. It freaked me out honestly at first.. I thought "oh my God, am I having a heart attack?". That along with being shorter of breath (which I knew happened in pregnancy) and feeling hot scared me a bit. So what did I do? Went to my handy friend Google and looked up "numb arm pregnancy". Up popped many websites and forums about women feeling something similar or even numb hands/wrists/or carpal tunnel syndrome type symptoms. Why doesn't anyone talk about this? Maybe it's a bit rare? Either way it lasted about a week or a week and a half and I've been fine ever since.

So to end this quick post I have a question for you readers.... I'll admit I'm a total newbie to blogging and I was trying to post some pictures but everytime I try the pictures pop up at the top of the blog entry instead of letting me type some text and then enter in the photo. What am I doing wrong? Can anyone out there in cyber-land give me some help on how to format my blogs better? I'll keep trying on my own too and hopefully I'll get some comments on how to perform this probably simple task.

thanks for reading everyone and Happy New Year to you and yours!!


  1. Hi Marci,
    I had the thigh/groin pain when I was pregnant, but it's been so long I'd forgotten about it. I guess I thought it was because I had gained so much weight that it just came with the territory. Also, I don't think people want to tell you about their "aches and pains," so as maybe not to scare you. I know I have a lot of stories I could tell, but won't until after you have Benicio because I want it to be a good experience for you. Suffice to say I had a 9'12" baby, then a 10'10" baby naturally, and it wasn't a picnic! I think there is so much trauma to both the mom and the baby that c-section is often the way to go. Looking back, if the doctors knew then what they know now I think I would have had c-sections with both boys. Thank God everything turned out fine, but I hate to think of what could have happened!
    I didn't have any numbness that I can remember. I do remember both boys kicked me like crazy ALL THE TIME the last week before they were born and I had very little sleep. So nap when you can and don't worry about it. When you feel like cleaning everything in sight, you'll know it's time, although you might not get that far because of the c-section.
    Never blogged, so I can't help you with the photos.
    Hope you guys are doing well! :) Love you!

  2. Hi again Marci,
    Daph209 is me, Louise!~

  3. thanks Louise! I dunno, maybe I'm strange, but I guess I'm the kind of person who would rather know all the bad stuff up front! lol.. you'll have to tell me your horror stories then after I have the baby. Thanks for commenting! Love you!
