Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Better late than never

We are 5 weeks away from the birth of our baby boy... and we finally got a scheduled C section date... January 18th, 2011 will be his birthday (as long as everything goes well and we don't need an emergency C section somewhere along the line). I'm so excited and ready for him to come.. my body and tummy feels so stretched out right now, I can't imagine growing any more than I have but I know I will over the next 5 weeks. At our baby care classes I always feel like the biggest mama there.. everyone else is so cute with their skinny legs and hips and little basketball bellies poking out.. and meanwhile I look like a watermelon. lol. I'm not upset about it though at all because I know I'm growing a healthy baby boy and I know when he gets here I know the keys to getting healthy again. I will admit though, that I haven't been eating as healthy as I could have been throughout this pregnancy. I have had the occasional McDonalds cheeseburger (horrible, I know!) and my husband and I have eaten our fair share of Ben and Jerry's, that's for sure! My husband has even gained some weight with me along the way, poor thing. I know he hates it too and is ready to get started on losing some of it. He, however, will continue to eat meat, bread, etc after the baby is born while I'm going to try to stick to more raw fruits and veggies.

So at last weigh in, which was yesterday, I'm 238 pounds. Creeping up to the 240, I can't believe it. It's the biggest I've ever been in my life, but there's a baby in there so it's okay. I have a feeling by the time Jan 18th rolls around I will definitely be pushing the 250 mark. Since I mentioned that I really didn't want to get over 230 (and already have) I've decided to go ahead and start trying to eat a little healthier right now, 5 weeks before the baby's birth. It can't hurt right? I'm actually drinking a green smoothie as I type this and it's delicious. For those that don't know, a green smoothie is a way to get in your leafy green vegetables for those of us who aren't huge salad eaters like me. You blend a liquid like water or coconut water with the greens of your choice (today I'm using collard greens but there is a whole world of greens to choose from!) then you typically add fruit and maybe even a little agave syrup or honey to sweeten it up if you so choose. I used a frozen fruit mix of strawberries, peaches, pineapple, and mango then I added a frozen banana as well and agave syrup. Mix it all up and drink. When I was doing green smoothies a few years ago my tastebuds could handle a more "grassier" type taste and I didn't have to use much sweetener, but it's been a while so I needed more agave syrup this time around. That's what's so cool about eating healthy/raw.. your taste buds really do change over time and you start to find things you used to eat too sweet/greasy/heavy. I can't wait for that change!

So I thought I'd do at least one green smoothie a day for a meal... it really does fill you up and tastes good and has a lot of great nutrients in it than a growing baby and mama needs. This is what I'm going to do over the next 5 weeks and maybe I'll throw in a raw meal/dessert/salad in there on occasion. Of course I'm going to try to eat more fish rather than red meat or chicken if given a choice and cut back on bread/dairy. Confession, I've been BAD about the bread/dairy lately.. but then again, I do need a lot of calcium at this point in the pregnancy.

Ok.. off to drink some more of my smoothie.. Will update later with more!

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