Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Holiday Hell!

Ok, so it's not really hell around the holidays but nutritionally speaking there is so much temptation! I don't have to tell you about this I'm sure. Most people not only have holiday parties and family gatherings to deal with but usually around the holidays there is always someone at work that is more than happy to bring in platters full of cookies, chocolates, and unhealthy snacks. This is one reason I am so happy I'm currently not working. At my old job everyone would bring in these treats and I had a hard time resisting them. If you really stop though and look at the people you work with, you might change your mind. More than likely the people that are bringing in these foods are overweight themselves with health problems. Now, I'm not trying to be a grinch or anything, I know the holidays are a special time of year and people like to splurge and celebrate but honestly, think about the calendar year and how MANY holidays and reasons to splurge there are! Maybe what I'll do is choose one holiday to be my splurge and only allow myself that time to enjoy the treats of the season.

So, the point of this post is that I've been over doing it with the chocolate and cookies of Christmas ... but the good thing is my body has had it and all I've been thinking about and wanting to eat today is healthy, fresh food to counter balance it. I'm drinking another green smoothie right now.. this one with spinach, fruit, agave, and I added some seaweed to it which really thickened it up and also some ground flax seeds. I'm going to make myself a raw "pasta" dish with zucchini noodles that are spiral sliced and then I'll make a home made tomato sauce to pour over it with some cashew "cheese" and some kalamata olives to add some flavor. The only thing in the dish that won't be raw is the olives, but I'm not going to be so picky about it as I have been in the past.

I had a doctors appointment yesterday and when I weighed in I was 243 pounds I believe. Ugh, I hate to think about that number really but I'm going to try my best to stay under the 250 mark. I think if I am careful with what I eat over the next 3 weeks I'll be ok.

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